..Ahlan Wa Sahlan..

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cute Love story ...........


how are you guys?? 
after a few hours doing the revision now its time to us to relax..
so lets enjoy this.. 

this is abaout Cute Love story ...........

Two butterflies were in love.........
One day, they decided to play Hide n Seek.......

During the play.....
Boy Butterfly - "A small game within us"
Girl Butterfly - "OK"
Boy Butterfly - "The one who sits in this flower tomorrow early in
the morning.....that one loves the other one more....."
Girl Butterfly - "OK"

Next morning, the boy butterfly waits for the flower to open so that
he can sit before the girl butterfly does......

Finally, the flower opened.....
What did he see.....?????........

The girl butterfly had died inside the flower.....

She stayed there all night......so that early in the morning......as
soon as she sees him.......she can fly to him and tell him how much she
loved him........

This is true LOVE....
Life is LOVE.....

Bak kata mat luthfi sebenarnya ada perbezaan antara pengorbanan dan kebodohan.
So,judge by yourself.^_^

p/s :Selamat menjalani musim peperiksaan ..semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kita insyaAllah. 

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